Kingdom of Cashua: Hexcrawl

This blog has mostly been me posting session reports (I still have some more to do lol), but there is lots of other stuff I'd like to post haha. My current campaign, Daemonium, has centred around the Kingdom of Cashua. I've uploaded the hexcrawl I've so that you can use it for what you will.


Cashua is on the Island of Ambern. To the North is the Fae Woods and the west is the Dinosaur Coast, which will be separate Hexcrawls (Fae Woods is done, Dino Coast will only be finished if my players go there). In ancient times, Ambern was a land dominated by Giants who enslaved the humans. However, when the Cashuans crossed over the sea from Galanthar, they defeated the Giants and liberated the humans. Now the technological powerhouse Aeon, also from Galanthar, has come to conquer Cashua. The eastern portion of Cashua is occupied, and the rebels at Fort Cheswick are Cashua's last hope. If you decide to actually run this Hexcrawl, it is up to you to decide how you situate your players relative to this conflict.


Travel rules and hexcrawl format are inspired by Wolves upon the Coast. The system in use is a heavily modified OSE, but any OSR system should be fine.

This hexcrawl was written for me to run my game, and therefore some context is missing or limited. For example, the village of Homble just says "you know it well" because it was the start of our campaign and is probably the most intimately known area.

The bestiary and magic items will only be released when I finish them and if I feel like it. The dungeons are the same: I typically will only complete dungeons when I know the players are headed over there, or if I have lots of time to do prep (Like now! I think I will do the Catacombs under Capital this weekend).

There are some unique mechanics. Namely Arts of War. These are techniques that Fighters can learn.



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